Speaking Programs



Some of Todd’s Most Requested  (Live and In-Person) Speaking Programs:

                                                            Contact Todd at [email protected] 


  The Slower You Go, The Faster You Arrive

We all would like to perform our best, win the game, crush the presentation, ace the exam, get everything we want. But when we begin to feel the pressure to perform at those higher levels it often causes us to start rushing around, forget our game plans and what we’ve practiced, and make additional mistakes. The expression used in sports is that come playoff time or when playing an especially strong opponent, the game tends to speed up on us. The antidote is not to speed up OUR level of play, but to slow it down and allow the game/match/performance to “Come To Us.”

To allow the game to come to us and enable us to more easily get into the ZONE, we need to master the 3 G’s.  With this helpful framework and insightful stories, Todd will guide us through The Skills of 1) Grounding to stay present and anchored in the moment 2) Noting the Good already here to help us absorb any added pressure, nerves, or stress. 3) creating Guideposts to help us map our way forward helping us avoid the holes in the sidewalk and tune into what it feelslike to perform our best.


 Don’t Believe Every Thought You Think!

Sometimes it’s as if we have a sports color commentator in our heads commenting about everything we and others think, say, and do. Lots of busy chatter, much of it unhelpful and distracting.  So if we want to be able to elevate our minds to a higher level, we need to clean up our inner dialogue/self-talk. Our mindset, the views, assumptions, opinions and beliefs we have about ourselves, others, and our world, help shape what’s in the mental backpacks we carry around on and off the court/field and in or out of the classroom or workplace.

In this Keynote, Todd will offer some insights into how best to work with our minds and the unhelpful thoughts and inner dialogue that can fill it up. We can learn to take a larger more helpful perspective to not allow the negative mind chatter to bog us down.  We can even start to uncover some of those unhelpful thoughts and beliefs and change the inner narrative by rewriting the stories we hold so that they better serve us.


  Realizing Our Greatest Vision (Turning Meaning Into Positive Moments)

It’s been said that we do not attract what we want, we attract What and Who We Are.  When we get a better handle or GRIP on what drives us to perform our best in all environments especially those with pressure, we can better navigate the inevitable bumps and challenges that arise. In this way we learn how to turn roadblocks into stepping stones and develop a more resilient, optimistic, and mentally strong and courageous mind and heart.  We can then start to attract more of what we are and about.

In this Keynote, Todd will guide us on the process for developing a better GRIP in our sport, at school or work, and in our overall lives by exploring how to command our Goals, Reasons, Intentions, and Purpose/Power to help us start realizing our greatest vision of who we really are and what we can be.


  Creating A Winning Attitude

Many have said attitude is everything and one of the main things we can control in our lives. Yet, if we don’t know how to take command our attitude, it then can instead become a major hinderance in pursuit of us playing or performing at our best.

When we start understanding that nothing just happens "To" us, but it instead happens "Through" us, we gain a level of mastery over our attitude, emotions, mindset, and mental focus. This will cause a major positive and empowering shift in our perspective.  Once that happens, watch out world!  In this program, the audience will gain new insights for overcoming obstacles and adversity, negative labels, mentally challenging experiences, or unpleasant circumstances. Get ready to start creating a new-found level of confidence and focus in all that you can be, do, and have in your life! 


  Finding More Flow in Sports and Life  

Have you ever been so immersed in an activity—playing sports, doing homework, surfing the Internet, playing a video game, or talking to a friend—that you focused solely on what you were doing and nothing else around you? You may have noticed that time seemed to slow way down. This is what performance psychologists call “Being in the Zone” or “Flow.”

Flow, as it relates to athletics, is being in a place where we’re playing a sport at such a high level of skill and focus that everything automatically flows, and you’re in tune with your mind and body.  There is no “on switch” for flow and it’s often said that the more you try to get it, the more obscure it becomes. Ironically, too much effort is a hindrance to flow. It’s like trying to fall asleep—you can prime yourself for sleep by playing some music and turning the lights down, but if you keep trying to nod off, it just won’t happen. At some point, you have to trust and let go.

In this Keynote, Todd will talk about the main flow triggers that can help open us to the door of being in the Zone.  The flow triggers are Openness, Courage esp. in novel and complex environments, Non-attachment to outcome, Concentration/Focus, Balanced-Effort, Joy/Playfulness. Once we learn these and that flow follows focus and present moment awareness, we then can gain access to this somewhat elusive but powerful performance state.


  Enhancing Brain Fitness:  Mindful Strategies for Easing and Preventing Stress, Worry, and Anxiety

Mindfulness, the practice of noticing your thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations in the present moment, has been clinically proven to reduce stress, promote feelings of well-being, and improve mental and physical health. When learned or shared with employees or teammates, it's a powerfully transformative quality that creates greater presence, calmness, reduced emotional reactivity, and greater emotional stability.

In this experiential seminar, you will gain practical and tactical wisdom from brain science and mindfulness as you learn strategies to SWAT away some of life’s more debilitating negative mental and emotional forces—Stress, Worry, Anxiety, and Trauma.

  • Learn and apply proven mindful stress, anxiety, and trauma relief strategies and interventions for yourself and your clients.
  • Discover and integrate the latest brain fitness and neuroscience tools to improve focus, decision-making, awareness, happiness, and overall well-being.
  • Practice research-based mindfulness activities to enhance your physical, cognitive, and emotional states and attitudes and of those people whose lives you touch.


  Contact Todd at [email protected]